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Kazakh-American Free University

About Us

School of Business, Law and Education trains under-graduate, graduate and post-graduate students on 36 majors, in Russian and Kazakh ​​on the American and Kazakh Programs. 194 students have state educational grants, 6 students have scholarship of the President of KAFU. The School includes the Business Department, the Law and International Relations Department, the Foreign Languages Department, the Pedagogy and Psychology Department.Training is carried out in accordance with state educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the corresponding types of curriculum, designed by the teachers with high qualification.

Great attention is paid to the education of fully educated specialist. All curriculums have the courses of professionally oriented foreign language and Information Technology.

Much attention is paid to the quality of teaching. In recent years, new means of students’ cognitive activity enhancement are increasingly used along with the use of traditional teaching methods. Business games, game studies etc. are actively implemented in the learning process. As extra-curriculum work, students are engaged in research, the use of information technology capabilities is also encouraged.

High level of English is another important priority. In October 2003, English language courses for non-linguistic majors were established in collaboration with American teachers. The course is an in-depth study of English, raising the level of professionalism of future specialists, enabling them to be competitive in the labor market. Courses include several levels. The first level is obligatory for all 1st year students and includes 1 credit each semester as a part of university education.

Students of the School regularly participate in international programs of cultural and academic exchange. 9 graduates are fellows of the “Bolashak” presidential program. More than 200 students underwent the program of professional practice in the United States. Many students successfully combine study and traveling around the world, as active members of the AIESEC largest international student organization, which brings together students from 107 countries of the world. In addition, the students of the “Foreign Languages: two foreign languages” and “Translation Studies” majors annually win scholarships of the DAAD educational exchange program, and gets the opportunity to spend summer or the whole academic semester studying in Germany. Not only students, but teachers and faculty, participate in international exchange programs. 3 faculty members have master’s degrees from foreign universities, 19 teachers underwent professional training in the United States, Britain, and Germany.



Number of Students

  • Associate Degree Program
  • Undergraduate Program
  • Master's Degree
  • PHD Program
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Number of Students

  • Associate Degree Program
  • Undergraduate Program
  • Master's Degree
  • PHD Program