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University of Wales Trinity Saint David

About Us

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) is the oldest Royal Chartered University in Wales and is proud to have as its Patron His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. We are part of the confederation of several institutions, including the University of Wales, as well as Coleg Sir Gâr and Coleg Ceredigion as constituent colleges. Together, we provide an integrated, dual sector approach to education for the benefit of learners, employers and communities.

Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant yw’r Brifysgol â’r Siarter Frenhinol hynaf yng Nghymru ac mae’n falch i gael Ei Uchelder Brenhinol, Tywysog Cymru, yn noddwr arni. Rydym yn rhan o gydffederasiwn o nifer o sefydliadau, yn cynnwys Prifysgol Cymru, ynghyd â Choleg Sir Gâr a Choleg Ceredigion yn golegau cyfansoddol. Gyda’n gilydd, darparwn ymagwedd integredig, sector deuol at addysg er budd dysgwyr, cyflogwyr a chymunedau.

We want to connect with as many students, graduates and staff from UWTSD and its preceding institutions, so if you're a former student of the institutions below please check your profile under education and search for University of Wales Trinity Saint David. 

Rydyn ni'n dymuno cysylltu gyda chynifer o fyfyrwyr, graddedigion a staff y Brifysgol a'i sefydliadau blaenorol â phosib felly os ydych chi'n gynfyfyriwr o'r sefydliadau isod, ac yn dymuno ymddangos ar ein proffil, ewch i'ch proffil a chwilio am University of Wales Trinity Saint David:

Trinity University College / Prifysgol Y Drindod Caerfyrddin

Trinity College Carmarthen / Coleg y Drindod Caerfyrddin 

Swansea Metropolitan University (SMU) / Prifysgol Fetropolitan Abertawe

Swansea Institute of Higher Education (SIHE) / Athrofa Addysg Uwch Abertawe

West Glamorgan Institute of Higher education / Athrofa Addysg Uwch Gorllewin Morgannwg

University of Wales Lampeter (UWL) / Prifysgol Cymru Llanbedr Pont Steffan

Saint David's University College (SDUC) / Coleg Prifysgol Dewi Sant

University of Wales / Prifysgol Cymru



Number of Students

  • Associate Degree Program
  • Undergraduate Program
  • Master's Degree
  • PHD Program
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Number of Students

  • Associate Degree Program
  • Undergraduate Program
  • Master's Degree
  • PHD Program