Kazakh National Medical University hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak ve yakından tanımak için hemen ziyaret edin. - Youthall
Youthall Mobil Uygulaması Yayında! İş ve Staj İlanlarını Başvur, Etkinliklere Katıl, Şirketlerle Bağlantı Kur, İndirim Fırsatlarından Yararlan.

Kazakh National Medical University


For 89 years of its rich history, the main source of personnel the Kazakhstan of public health, SanzharAsfendiyarov Kazakh national medical University trained almost 80 000 doctors of different specialties,high-level professionals who have made a significant contribution to the protection of life and peoplehealth. Every third doctor of the country today is a graduate of KazNMU. And here they got the basics ofmedical knowledge, kindness and mercy.

Kazakh national medical University is a milestone in the history of education, medicine and the country asa whole. These are traditions that have become the basis of professionalism. It is a large medical fraternity,the connection of times and names, time for energy of scientists and teachers. The University, which builtits foundation on the basis of science, education and practice, can rightly be proud of its achievements.Quality organization of training, scientific and clinical activities, high level of qualification of doctors,recognition medical community has become a visiting card of KazNMU.

University history began from 1930 with one medical faculty. Now it is a huge University complex withunique infrastructure and modern multi-level system of continuous training of medical workers. Despite ofmany difficulties the staff of KazNMU passed through complex, innovative way.

The graduates were nominated to the highest position of health care in different periods of the country’slife. For example, 8 future people’s Commissars and Ministers of health care of Kazakhstan, 3 rectors ofmedical universities of Kazakhstan, 19 heads of research institutes, SC, 6 heads of regional healthinstitutions, 6 world Champions, 2 Olympic Champions, 71 honored workers of science of the Kazakh SSR andHonored workers of Kazakhstan, 45 Honored doctors of the Kazakh SSR, 46 Academicians of USSR Academyof medical Sciences, national Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan and t 17 Winners of the State award RK.Two students of KazNMU, Manshuk Mametova and Vladimir Ivanilov, immortalized their names, becomingHeroes of Soviet Union.



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  • Önlisans Programı
  • Lisans Programı
  • Yüksek Lisans
  • Doktora Programı
Kazakh National Medical University içinde gösterilecek öğrenci kulübü bulunamadı.



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Öğrenci Sayısı

  • Önlisans Programı
  • Lisans Programı
  • Yüksek Lisans
  • Doktora Programı