Youthall Staj ve İş İlanları & Şirket Kültürü - Youthall
En güncel teknoloji haberleri ve ilham veren girişim hikayelerini keşfetmek için hemen’ya göz atın!

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Biz Kimiz?

2014 yılında kurulan Youthall, gençleri iş dünyasının önde gelen markalarıyla buluşturan Türkiye’nin ilk dijital işveren markası ve gençlere özel kariyer platformudur. Yapay zeka destekli teknolojilerimiz ve veri odaklı çözümlerimizle işe alım süreçlerini yeniden tanımlıyor, işveren markalarını güçlendiriyor ve şirketleri gençlerle bir araya getiriyoruz. Her yıl 45 milyondan fazla görüntülenme alan ve 1.000’den fazla global markaya hizmet veren Youthall, gençlerin potansiyelini ortaya çıkaran fırsatlar sunarak iş dünyasın...

Devamını Oku

Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli
11-50 Çalışan

Neler Yaparız?

Yenilikçi teknolojilerle, fikirleri insan kaynakları alanında hızlı büyüyen ürünlere dönüştürür en iyi genç yeteneklerin, en iyi şirketlerle bir araya gelmesi için çalışırız. 

Hayal eder, hata yapmaktan korkmadan üretir, test eder ve yenilikçi fikirleri hayata geçiririz! Her yıl hızla büyüyen ekibimizle cesur, dinamik ve yeni nesil insan kaynakları teknolojileri üretiriz! 

İnsan kaynaklarında dijital çözümlerimizle 1000'den fazla iş ortağına hizmet verir, Milyonlarca gencin hayalindeki işi bulması ve...

Devamını Oku

Great Place to Work® Sertifikalı Harika Bir İş Yeriyiz!

Youthall olarak şirket kültürü ve çalışan deneyimi konusunda global olarak hizmet veren Great Place to Work® tarafından yapılan değerlendirmeler ve analizler sonucunda sonucunda “Harika İş Yeri” kriterlerini sağlayarak Great Place to Work® Sertifikasını almaya hak kazandık. 

Karşılıklı güven ve özveriyi merkeze koyduğumuz bu yolculukta, birlikte nice başarılara imza attığımız tüm ekip arkadaşlarımıza Youthall'u "Harika Bir İş Yeri" yaptıkları için sonsuz teşekkür ediyoruz.

Burada Herkes Sevdiği İşi istediği Gibi Yapacak Kadar Şanslı!

Youthall ekibine katılan arkadaşlarımız, yenilikçi ve girişimci bir çalışma ortamında fikirlerini hızlı bir şekilde hayata geçirme fırsatı bulur.  

Özel sağlık sigortası, spor desteği, haftanın 1 günü uzaktan çalışma gibi yan haklarla yeni nesil bir çalışma ortamında kariyer fırsatı sunuyoruz.

Burada herkes sevdiği şeyi istediği gibi yapacak kadar şanslı!

Genç Yeteneklere Neler Sağlarız?

Yeniliğe, eğitime ve uzun vadeli düşünmeye öncelik veriyoruz. Genç yetenekler bizim ekibimizin olmazsa olmaz bir parçası!

Kadıköy'de bulunan Türkiye ofisimizde yıl boyunca üniversitelerin 3. ve 4. sınıf bölümlerinde okuyan, en az 2.5 gün ofiste çalışıp, diğer günler uzaktan destek verebilecek kişilere ekibimizde yer veriyoruz. Öğrenciler satış, iş geliştirme, pazarlama, dijital pazarlama ve içerik yönetimi alanlarında staj yapma fırsatı yakalayabiliyor. Yıl içinde yayınlanan ilanlarımıza ulaşmak için sayfamızı ve In...

Devamını Oku



Youthall henüz yeni bir ilan yayınlamadı. Şirketi takip et, ilan yayınlandığında ilk sen haberdar ol.

Youthall ilgini mi çekti?

Hemen takip et, yeni bir ilan yayınlandığında seni bilgilendirelim.



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Kariyerin burada başlıyor.

Oluşturacağın ücretsiz profil ile yeni bir kariyere başla.

Hemen Başla



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Genel Bakış

Youthall'da İK, şirketimizin en değerli kaynağı olan çalışanlarımızın gelişimini desteklemek ve potansiyellerini en üst seviyeye çıkarmak amacıyla stratejik bir rol üstlenir. Dinamik ve yenilikçi bir yaklaşımla çalışan deneyimini en üst düzeye taşırken, güçlü bir kurum kültürü oluşturmak ve sürdürülebilir büyümeyi desteklemek için sürekli gelişim odaklı çözümler sunar.

Youthall'da kültür, yenilikçi, dinamik ve iş birliğine dayalı bir kültüre sahiptir. Açıklık, çeşitlilik ve kapsayıcılık ilkeleri üzerine inşa edilen bu kültür, her bireyin fikirlerini özgürce ifade edebileceği ve potansiyelini ortaya koyabileceği bir ortam sunar. Şeffaf ve destekleyici yapımız, ekip üyelerimizin yaratıcılıklarını cesaretle sergilemelerine ve ortak başarılara katkıda bulunmalarına olanak tanır. Sürekli öğrenme ve gelişimi teşvik eden yaklaşımımızla, yenilikçi çözümler üretir ve değişime öncülük ederiz. Youthall’da herkesin sesi duyulur ve her başarı, birlikte kutlanır.

Yan Haklar

Performansa Dayalı Prim
Serbest Kıyafet
Özel Sağlık Sigortası
Yemek Kartı
Esnek Çalışma
Girişimci Ortam
Spor Salonu
Rekabetçi Maaş
Yol Ücreti
Happy Hours

Çalışma Ortamı

Departman Kırılımı

  • Founders
  • Software
  • Sales
  • Creative
  • Marketing
  • Customer Experience
  • HR

Çalışanlar Ne Diyor?

Sürekli kendimi geliştirme imkanı bulurken her sabah işe mutlu başlamaya olanak tanıyan bir ekibin içinde çalışmak büyük şans! Herkesin düşündüklerini hemen gerçekleştirebileceği esnek bir alan yarattığı için Youthall’da keyifli bir çalışma ortamına sahibiz. Yüzlerce iş ortağımızla farklı sektörlerin dinamiklerini deneyimledikten sonra en çok eğlendiğimiz kısmın cuma “happy hour”larımız olduğunu söylemem gerekiyor!

Alara Aslan
Alara Aslan
Business Development Executive

Kod yazmak, hayal gücünü gerçeğe dönüştürmek gibi bir süper güç! Youthall'da çalışmak, bu süper gücümü keşfetmek için mükemmel bir yer. Gençlik enerjisiyle dolu bir ekip ile birlikte düzenli toplantılar yaparak her gün birbirimizden öğreniyor ve sorunlarımıza birlikte hızlı çözümler sunabiliyoruz. Çeşitli projelerle gençlerin geleceğine katkı sağlamak beni heyecanlandırıyor!

Enes Ateş
Enes Ateş
Software Developer

Herkesin sorumluluk sahibi olduğu, birbirlerine değer verdiği ve yardım etmeye istekli olduğu bir ortamda bu harika ekip ile çalışmak kendimi değerli hissettiriyor. Hem bir arada hem de uzaktan koordineli çalışabiliyoruz çünkü biz Youthall'da tüm ekip olarak yaz boyunca ofisten çalışmaya kısa bir ara vererek istediğimiz yerden çalışma olanağına sahibiz. Bu harika!

İdil Aldemir
İdil Aldemir
Customer Experience Executive

Yenilikçi ve inovatif bir şirket kültüründe çalışmak gerçekten harika! Burada yeni fikirlerimize değer verilen bir ortamda, ekip olarak daima bir araya gelerek yaratıcı çözümler üretme ve projeleri gerçeğe dönüştürme şansına sahibiz. Hibrit çalışma modeli, kariyer gelişimi için sunulan fırsatlar ve spor salonu gibi imkanlar, işimizi daha tatmin edici bir hale getiriyor ve kendimizi geliştirmek için tüm olanakları sunuyor.

Şule Şahin
Şule Şahin
Marketing Executive

Emre graduated from Bilkent University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. He started gaining valuable work experience during his high school years, working as an intern and part-time employee in various companies. In 2014, while still in university, Emre embarked on his professional journey as an entrepreneur by establishing Youthall. With expertise in Strategic Planning, Team Management, Entrepreneurship, Employer Branding, Marketing Strategy, and Business Strategy, Emre has played a pivotal role in the growth and success of Youthall. His diverse skill set and entrepreneurial mindset have allowed him to effectively navigate the ever-changing business landscape. Emre is fluent in both Turkish and English, enabling him to communicate and collaborate seamlessly with individuals from different backgrounds and cultures.

She earned a full scholarship to the Mathematics at Bilkent University. In 2014, she co-founded Youthall with Emre. Her outstanding achievements in various competitions led her to participate in accelerated Executive MBA programs at Koç and Sabancı Universities. In 2016, she was recognized as a "Promising Female Entrepreneur" by The Economist. She has also been listed among Fortune's 40 Under 40. Currently, at Youthall, she holds the role of a partner responsible for employer branding projects, marketing, and sales. Her expertise and leadership contribute significantly to the company's success and growth. She is driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for creating impactful solutions. Her dedication to fostering strong employer brands, driving marketing strategies, and cultivating successful sales initiatives sets her apart as a respected professional in her field. With her exceptional accomplishments, she continues to inspire and empower other aspiring entreprene...

Graduating from Ufuk University's Business Department in 2022, he transitioned into the tech sector and has since made significant contributions at Youthall as a Software Developer. Specializing in the PHP Symfony Framework and WordPress, he has showcased his expertise in various challenging projects. His critical role in developing and maintaining Youthall's digital platform and his ability to quickly learn new languages and frameworks have proven invaluable. His work at Youthall has enhanced his technical skills and understanding of how technology drives business growth.

After completing his Computer Engineering degree from Erciyes University in 2022, he emerged as a proactive individual with a keen interest in leadership and entrepreneurship. He was chosen to play a leadership role in the Google Developer Group Kayseri, a testament to his leadership skills and commitment. Out of a competitive pool of 35,000 applicants, he was selected as a Fellow for the prestigious Hamdi Ulukaya Initiative. This achievement further solidified his entrepreneurial mindset. He also completed a rigorous short-term entrepreneurship training at New York University, broadening his skills and knowledge in the business realm. Since July 2022, he has been actively contributing to Youthall as a Software Developer. In this role, he leverages his technical skills and innovative mindset to develop high-quality software solutions, consistently adding value to the organization's growth and success.

He is a software development professional with 5 years of experience. He has a strong command of technologies such as PHP, Symfony, Javascript, NextJS, TailwindCSS, and MySql. Beyond coding, he also derives pleasure from spending time in nature and the great outdoors. Camping, in particular, is a hobby of his, and he enjoys dedicating his time to this activity outside of coding. As a web developer, he has successfully completed numerous projects, demonstrating his ability to design and implement high-quality solutions. He is adept at working both independently and as part of a team, and he thrives in fast-paced and dynamic environments. His passion for coding and his commitment to continuous learning ensure that he stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. He is eager to contribute his skills and expertise to new and challenging projects, delivering exceptional results.

He is a motivated mobile application developer with a passion for bringing ideas to life. Skilled in project management and cross-team communication, he excels in crafting top-notch UIs. He takes pride in implementing user-friendly initiatives and is detail-oriented, organized, and meticulous in his approach. Working at a fast pace, he consistently meets tight deadlines and is an enthusiastic team player eager to contribute to company success.

After her education at Yildiz Technical University and Anadolu University, she immersed herself in student organizations and editing roles, shaping her leadership and project management skills. In 2019, she joined Youthall as a content writer, enhancing the brand's digital image through her insightful content creation. She transitioned to sales and proved her competence with an excellent understanding of customer needs. Currently, as a Business Development Executive at Youthall, she creates tailored projects for companies, oversees employer branding, and manages customer relationships. Her strategic insight and superior relationship management abilities bolster Youthall's growth and market reputation.

Şevval completed her degree in Civil Engineering from Bahçeşehir University in 2021. Her professional journey started the same year when she joined a renowned company as a Business Development Representative. This role allowed her to acquire extensive knowledge and develop a deep understanding of the business landscape. Following this, she transitioned into a different organization where she honed her skills as a Sales Specialist. Her experiences equipped her with a strong understanding of sales strategies and customer relationship management. Since April 2023, she has been playing a pivotal role in the Youthall team as a Sr. Sales Specialist. Her work involves developing and implementing innovative sales strategies, ensuring customer satisfaction, and contributing to the company's growth.

She graduated from Biruni University's Biomedical Engineering undergraduate program and demonstrates her mastery of the department's technical knowledge and engineering principles. Her position as a sales engineer at Denizler Medikal shows that she has both technical and managerial skills in project planning and tender processes as well as medical device sales. She strengthens her competence in customer relations and sales strategies in the field of sales at ETNA Health. She continues her career as an Assistant Sales Specialist at Youthall.

She is a graduate of Haliç University who completed her undergraduate degree in graphic design. She discovered his passion for graphic design through his interest in drawing, and improved himself in this field with the drawing training she received during his high school years. She has gained various experiences throughout his career and is currently jr. at Youthall. She works as an art director. She loves teamwork and enjoys the process of creating a new vision in every project. For Melike, who loves her job, every day offers a creative and exciting experience.

Anıl Özdemir graduated from Okan University, Department of Photography and Videography. He took on a wide range of responsibilities at Bahçeci Health Group, from photography to video shooting, from editing to montage. Anıl, who produced video content in 11 different languages ​​for social media, also took part in the design processes of advertising videos and materials such as GDN and mailing. While working at Maltepe Municipality Press Directorate, he was responsible for video and photo shooting as well as editing and montage processes. He worked as a Videographer at Video Sanat company. I take part in many planned shootings (Interviews, Promotional films, food videos, etc.) both on the shooting side and on the editing side. He also worked as responsible for desktop videos and animated design videos.He continues his career as a Visual Shooting and Production Specialist at Youthall

Beyza graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Communication Design. She started her career as a department assistant at Yıldız Technical University.She interned as an Assistant Editor at Aristo Publishing House for 3 months.She gained experience by working in various departments at Yıldız Technical University for 2 years.Edward Ising worked as an intern at Communication Arts for 6 months and soon became a full-time graphic designer.She loves teamwork and enjoys the process of creating a new vision in each project. She continues her career as an Art Director at Youthall.

Having graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University's Visual Communication Design department, she continues her undergraduate studies in Anadolu University's Public Relations and Advertising department. She embarked on her career journey gaining versatile experience in various agencies and companies, focusing on brand management and social media marketing. In 2021, she became a valuable addition to the Youthall team. Currently, as a Marketing Executive, she plays an instrumental role in leading marketing and communication activities. Her unique blend of education and hands-on experience has empowered her to develop and implement comprehensive marketing strategies that significantly contribute to Youthall's visibility and market positioning. With her deep understanding of branding principles and digital marketing tactics, she effectively communicates Youthall's value proposition to diverse audiences, driving brand engagement and growth.

In 2016, he graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Public Relations and Promotion. During his university years, he actively participated in various events, research projects, and international trips organized by Istanbul University Social Media Club and T5 Atölye. In 2015, he had the opportunity to intern with the Employer Branding team at QNB Finansbank, where he was introduced to the concept of employer branding. Following his graduation in 2016, he joined QNB Finansbank as a Junior Specialist in the Employer Branding team. Building on his expertise in employer branding and social media, he began providing consultancy for QNB Finansbank's employer branding social media accounts in 2017. Some of the brands he has been involved in managing social media processes for include QNB Finansbank, Türk Telekom, TUSAŞ, Volkswagen Arena, Cupra, Şişecam, Unilever, British American Tobacco, and PepsiCo. Recently, he has taken on a new role as a Social Media Consultant at Youthall.

Irem Gençoğlu is charting her path in the world of marketing while pursuing her studies at Koç University, one of Turkey's leading academic institutions. As a marketing specialist at Youthall, she actively develops and implements innovative marketing strategies. Her role encompasses a wide range of activities, from content creation to organizing impactful events and training sessions. Through this dynamic blend of academic and professional endeavors, Irem is rapidly building her expertise and making significant strides in the marketing field.

Sibel graduated from Kocaeli University, Department of International Relations.At the beginning of her career, she worked as a Global Marketing Intern at Dressbest Uniform Costume for 6 months.Kootech | As a Digital Media Specialist in London, he took part in the setup and management of social media accounts.As Digital Media Specialist at Happy Hour Creative Workshop, she took responsibility for brand communication, content writing and social media management and managed influencer collaborations.Then, she worked as Senior Social Media Specialist at, managing all the company's digital channels and influencer-focused marketing communication processes, as well as coordinating the social media team.She started as a Marketing Specialist at CRM Holding, where she gained experience in corporate communications, event management and planning and management of in-house / external design processes.She continues her career as Senior Marketing Specialist at Youthall.

After completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Istanbul Commerce University, Idil spent 2.5 enriching years in the UK. During this time, she enhanced her foreign language proficiency and participated in a pre-Master's program in HR Management, expanding her cultural insights and sharpening her HR expertise. Upon her return to Turkey, Idil transitioned into the marketing sector, beginning her career journey at Hyundai Construction Equipment. Over her extensive eight-year career, she has gained valuable experience across various sectors, developing her skills in corporate and internal communication, and employer branding. Currently, Idil works as the Customer Experience Executive at Youthall. In this capacity, she leverages her comprehensive knowledge of communication strategies and branding to amplify Youthall's market presence. Her commitment to nurturing open communication and fostering a strong employer brand plays a vital role in enhancing Youthall's reputation.

She is a motivated and enthusiastic psychologist who has just stepped into business life. She had the opportunity to work for a while with her professional title. In addition, she had the opportunity to experience many jobs and sectors since her student life. Specifically, she received many trainings on the field she wants to progress in, and the education program she is continuing is only one of them. She had the opportunity to work in an institution operating in the education sector for a while. Her work experience gave her the opportunity to discover her talents and interests in the field of communication. Thus, she had the chance to base her career plan on communication and human relations.

After graduating from Marmara University, Department of Business Administration in 2023, Berre completed her undergraduate education at Istanbul University, Department of Brand Communication. During her university years, she did an internship at Suwen and focused on brand marketing in the textile and fashion industry. This experience provided him with valuable knowledge in this field. Her first job at a consulting firm gave him extensive management skills. Although she is interested in yoga, meditation and mindfulness, she also values ​​aesthetics and maintains emotional control. She now continues his career as a Customer Experience Assistant Specialist at Youthall.

Aleyna graduated from Marmara University, Department of Psychology. During this period, Hacı İsmail Gündoğdu Multi-Program Anatolian High School, World Counseling and Psychology Center, Rehber Clinic and T.R. She had the opportunity to improve himself by doing many internships in different fields at the Ministry of Health.She has gained experience in social responsibility projects, writing articles and preparing social media content, and taking Mindfulness Based Therapy training.Her Human Resources internship at Locomar provided her with the opportunity to apply psychology in the business world.She has now joined our team at Youthall as an Assistant Customer Experience Specialist.

Pınar is a graduate of Sakarya University Information and Document Management and a graduate of Anadolu University Business Administration. She is currently continuing his master's degree in Human Resources Management at Nişantaşı University. She started his career in the field of Customer Relations at Koç System. She then worked as a Sales Support Representative at before moving to the Human Resources field. She held various positions responsible for recruitment processes in different companies. She currently works as Human Resources Executive at Youthall and aims to implement innovative HR strategies.



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