UCL hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak ve yakından tanımak için hemen ziyaret edin. - Youthall
Youthall Mobil Uygulaması Yayında! İş ve Staj İlanlarını Başvur, Etkinliklere Katıl, Şirketlerle Bağlantı Kur, İndirim Fırsatlarından Yararlan.


In 1827, a year after the founding of UCL, construction of the main building began on the site of the old Carmarthen Square. The Octagon Building is a term used for the whole of the main building, but more commonly for a central part of it.[citation needed] At the centrepiece of the building is an ornate dome, which is visible throughout the immediate area. The Octagon was designed by the Architect William Wilkins, who also designed the National Gallery. The original plans by Wilkins called for a U-shaped enclosure around the quad. Funds, however, ran out in 1829 with only the portico and dome finished. Wilkins' original plans were not completed until the 20th century: The Main Building was finally finished in 1985, 158 years since the foundations were laid, with a formal opening ceremony by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom



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