WAT Motor Future On Internship Program - Youthall
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WAT Motor

Future On Internship Program

İlan Kapandı.

WAT Motor - Future On Internship Program

Future On 2023 Internship Program applications are just started and our teams are excitedly waiting for their new teammates!

Do you want to gain the competencies that you will draw your own future path in agile processes?

On the way to the future, our way is open. Get ready!

Our short-term summer internship program will start in this July! Join us and get to know the improve your competencies on your way to the future with WAT's experienced team.

İlan Tanımı

What awaits you at Future On?

  • A friendly environment that is supported by endless coaching and mentoring of our senior team members.
  • A working environment where you will share your valuable presentations with our teams at the end of your internship
  • Start your journey on your first day and get the support throughout your whole WAT journey
  • A working environment where you can challenge yourself, take responsibilities and get the opportunity to be part of many projects
  • An open working environment in which you can share your ideas and bring them to life
  • Fun activities where you can take a little break while learning.

Aranan Nitelikler

How do we describe the perfect match?

If you are;

  • 3rd or 4th grade student,
  • A great team player with a self-initiative mindset and open to innovation culture,
  • Passionate and open to improvement,

If you have excellent verbal and written skills in English,

If you want to experience the transformation in work, technology and development.

Join us now!

İşe Alım Süreci

  1. Ön Eleme
  2. Değerlendirme Testleri
  3. İK Mülakatı
  4. Son Değerlendirme
  5. Sonuçların Açıklanması

1965’ten Beri Alanımızda Öncüyüz!

WAT; enerji verimli ve sürdürülebilir bir gelecek için, 1965 yılından bu yana sürekli gelişim ve yenilikçilik vizyonu ile faaliyet gösteren endüstri ve teknoloji şirketidir.

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